Tag Archives: antimatter
Why Doesn’t Antimatter Anti-Gravitate?
Every massive particle exerts a gravitational force. So what do antimatter particles do?
Why aren’t there any particles that fall upwards in the gravitational field of Earth? It would be so handy – If I had to move the couch, rather than waiting for the husband to flex his muscles, I’d tie an anti-gravitating weight to it and the couch would just float to the other side of the room.
Click here or on the picture for the full story: Why Doesn’t Antimatter Anti-Gravitate?
Kaon decay – asymmetry between matter & antimatter
Dr Nicolas Garron, a Research Fellow in the Centre of Mathematical Sciences, has helped to devise the first theoretical calculation of how the behavior of kaons differs when matter – anything with mass, such as the world around us – is swapped out for antimatter – made out of similar particles with opposite charge.
Ground-breaking research could challenge underlying principles of physics