Category Archives: Life

Why a NASA spacecraft could bounce, crunch or sink on icy Europa

Why a NASA spacecraft could bounce, crunch or sink on icy Europa

Sometime in the early 2030s, NASA hopes to attempt a landing on Jupiter’s moon Europa. A four-legged spacecraft would descend towards the icy surface, ready to hunt for signs of alien life in a buried ocean.

Landing on Jupiter’s moon in search of alien life won’t be easy.

Source: Why a NASA spacecraft could bounce, crunch or sink on icy Europa

Life Is a Braid in Spacetime

Life Is a Braid in Spacetime 
How to see yourself in a world where only math is real.

Life Is a Braid in Spacetime How to see yourself in a world where only math is real.


NASA Chooses Instruments to Determine if Europa Is Habitable

NASA Chooses Instruments to Determine if Europa Is Habitable — And What is That Brown Gunk?